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One Body. One Life. It's Time for an Upgrade.

Lean Body. Lean Life.

Engineered by You


As humans, we’re creatures of habit.

We do things without thinking.

Every day, we flick the switch on autopilot...

Hitting snooze on the alarm. Morning cup of joe. The 3 pm sugar snack. The zoned-out drive home from work.

You’re living life in a zombie-like shuffle, looking outside yourself for explanations and answers to your daily discomforts, in your body, and in your life.

But deep inside you know what to do, you just can’t do what you know. 

One thing is for sure, you can’t hold back aging. The buildup of toxicity within the body is dulling your skin from the inside out. You're buying more and more products in hopes to prevent it or cover up the fact you are not getting any younger. And the excess physical, emotional and mental baggage that has accumulated throughout your life is getting heavy.

Do you really want to keep carrying that around?

Or worse, pass it on to your kids?

Don’t let life weigh down. 


What if you could set your autopilot to healthy? 

Instead of slaving away at the gym, autopilot gets you lean.

Instead of forcing kale down your throat, autopilot reverse-ages you.

Instead of slathering on costly skincare products morning and night, autopilot gets you glowing.

Instead of fearing what’s to come, autopilot empowers you to take charge.

Lean Arms. Lean Life.

Strong Core. Strong Mind.

Radiant Smile. Radiant Body.

On Autopilot.



Welcome to LIFE Habits


Where we integrate the technologies of modern behavioral science with the ancient sister sciences, Yoga and Ayurveda for lifelong health, youth, and beauty from the inside out.

Modern life demands so much of us and we pay the price physically and mentally. 

Turn OFF the switch for: 

  • Overwhelm, fear, anxiety, and eventually burnout

  • Exhaustion and continuously stuck in a brain fog

  • Irritated at the slightest inconvenience

  • Being passive-aggressive in your relationships

  • Feeling heavy, lacking energy, and that constant twinge in your knee 

  • Putting insane amounts of pressure on yourself to do more, be more, have more

  • Obsessing over your daily to-do list and expectations of life

  • Constant judging, bickering, and complaining that ultimately drain you.

Turn ON the switch to a life where you gracefully flow through your day with ease and a genuine smile on your face, well-rested, finding joy in the most mundane moments, and ready to tackle whatever life has in store for you next.

Shed your past, let go of your expectations and discover what it is you truly want so you can get deeply connected to your purpose and begin to choose and create your own life experiences.

It starts with LIFE Habits. 

  • Become the engineer of you and watch as your body leans out, your health shines through and your inner wisdom takes control.

  • Optimize your sleep, digestion, energy, and moods, while customizing a lifestyle that works for you and your family.

  • Build habits that restore, rejuvenate, strengthen and support the body’s physical systems so you can experience life to the fullest.

  • Shift the direction of health and well-being in your household by upgrading your daily habits and modeling these changes for your family. 

  • These habits aren’t a luxury. They are a necessity. And they will become non-negotiable.


Habits Die Hard.

Let’s Make Them Reliable. 

LIFE Habits is a year-long lifestyle mentoring program that teaches you the foundational habits that are needed to restore and sustain health while building resilience and learning to adapt to the constant changes within us and around us.

We follow along with the seasons of nature because we are creatures of nature. The rhythm of nature is within you. When you live tuned to this rhythm, you optimize the physical systems of the body. 

Each season we cover the 10 LIFE Habits. That's 1 Habit & 1 Group Coaching Call per week, plus seasonal 1:1 coaching calls. That’s everything you need to start automating LIFE Habits.

The Nuts and Bolts:

// 10 Habits per season, teaching you simple, quick, and effective tools and techniques to establish a daily rhythm that supports your body, mind, and life. 

Live lean by making small continuous improvements in the direction of health, daily and seasonally without the need for perfection. Experiment with the habits in an authentic way and discover the best approach for you NOW.

The course is broken up into: 

  • Season 1 - Learn it.

  • Season 2 - Work it.

  • Season 3 - Refine it.

  • Season 4 - Live it. 

// 11 coaching calls, repeated 4 times per year. That’s coaching for every season from the comfort of your home. All live sessions are recorded and available to you if you can’t join us on the day of. 

// 4 x 1:1 consultations (one per season) for a personalized assessment of your daily pressures and stresses and to give deeper focus to any roadblocks coming up on your personal and unique journey.

// Your very own private course hub where videos and materials are available for access anytime, anywhere.

// Videos explaining the science behind the habits and the habit evolution strategies you need to start experimenting so that you can set LIFE Habits to autopilot.

// Workbooks and e-books to help walk you through your new habits, including worksheets to keep you on track. 

// Private Facebook Group. This is where self-care integrates with community care, a place where you can connect with the tribe between live meetings, ask questions, brag about your successes, and troubleshoot your struggles.

Most of us aren’t hanging around those who are consciously growing and evolving. The benefits of working in a dynamic group have been proven so let’s get you the support you need to make real, life-lasting changes.

// 3 implementation breaks per year- 2 weeks off between each season.  

This is for you if you’re ready to:

  • Commit and show up for yourself.

  • Learn a new approach to health that’s authentic to you. 

  • Heal what you didn’t think was possible.

  • Invest in yourself in an entirely new way. 

  • Build a body that gives you the power and resilience to move through life.

  • Take charge of yourself and your reality.

  • Get on an accelerated path of personal discovery, growth, and transformation.

  • Redefine how you age.

  • Succeed at whatever seems out of reach.


What You Really Get with LIFE Habits: 

A New Way to Age:

Your current habits are accelerating the aging process but LIFE Habits redefine how you age by changing your physiology. By making simple adjustments that support the natural rhythms and functions of the body, you will restore order and increase your body’s intelligence and vibrancy. The result, is a smarter, stronger, more efficient body even as you age.

An Optimal Life:

Experience an overall sense of ease and contentment by living a life that is authentic to you. LIFE Habits give you the structure you need to listen to your body and ignite your inner wisdom so you can follow your own flow. 

You will get curious and comfortable with change and be driven from within to explore, and experience more. By allowing yourself to evolve, transform and continuously grow, you will discover more about who you truly are and what you are capable of achieving. 

True Healthcare:

You are the provider of true healthcare. That which your employer provides, that’s sick-care.

LIFE Habits is a healthcare system you can truly trust. It’s a life practice where the benefits grow exponentially over time. The habits don’t change but how you practice them will, changing throughout the year and throughout your lifespan. 

The first year we lay the foundation. Then, as you continue to experiment, refine and live the habits, you become more and more rooted in them. Awakening to new, more powerful, stable rhythms in which to live. 

A Community: 

Doing it on your own is a harder, longer road. Trust me, I was on that road.

Changing together is the most powerful way to get results fast. By changing together you can gain momentum and traction not just from your own experiences but from the experiences of others. That's why community is so important for your success and why it’s an essential part of the program. 

And you aren’t just joining me and our community of LIFERS. This is a worldwide movement. These habits are taught and practiced around the globe. And the success stories are mind-blowing.

A Leader:

To teach is to learn, demonstrate, model, live.

I’m not a lecturer. I’m not a preacher. I’m not a guru. And I'm definitely not perfect. I‘m walking the talk. I’m not offering anything I haven’t already tried or put to use myself. I’m continually experimenting and practicing LIFE Habits daily. In every season of every year. 

The best teachers remain students, themselves.

This isn’t about developing a lifestyle of extremes.

This is about learning and living daily habits you need as a modern-day human being to get healthy and stay healthy without being overworked, undernourished, and out of energy. And if you so desire, up-leveling your human experience.

There are no prerequisites to living these habits. They are for everyone. Every age. Every phase of life. No matter your age or current condition, these habits can have a massive impact on your daily and long-term health and wellbeing. 

They should be learned as a child, refined as an adult, and mastered as an elder. 

And it gets even better.

What’s good for you, is good for the planet too. These habits increase one's interconnectedness to the nature that surrounds us. By setting your health to autopilot with LIFE Habits you will naturally shift your impact on the environment. Becoming a bigger part of the solution than the problem. 

You are your best investment. Your body is your most important asset. And you know yourself better than anyone else. 

Step into your POWER. Learn to learn through yourself. Learn to heal. It’s a natural skill that's already within you and one you should practice now before you have to call upon it.

LIFE habit is the most valuable gift you could ever give to yourself, to your family, and to the planet. And the return on investment is infinite. Nowhere else can you find that.

I have been implementing the 10 habits from Ayurveda and Yoga for over a year now and I can honestly say it has been a GAME CHANGER. Being able to cycle through this deep wisdom, in such a supportive way, with other like-minded individuals all on their own journey towards optimum health and well-being has been nothing short of inspirational. I have unraveled so many habits that were no longer serving me - that I just was not able to deconstruct on my own. I was able to clearly see the stories that I was telling myself that were holding me back from my own evolution. This is a lifelong path for me now.

These habits have created a level of ease in my life that is remarkable. Even though life stressors continue to come up, I don’t react the same way. I feel carried by the current instead of knocked around by it. And if I do start to react to life in old ways - feeling overwhelmed, angry, numbing out, irritated by other people, generally frustrated - then I know what to do to get back into the flow of ease.
— April

These habits have opened a whole new level of health for me! I feel younger now than I felt in my 20’s, my focus is incredible, I burst forth with creativity, and I am loving life to the max! It is so incredible to wake up each day at 5ish in the morning, revving to go, counting my blessings, and ready to tackle the day with vigor and enthusiasm. I dare not think how my life would have panned out without them!

These seemingly simple habits have had an immense impact on me. Throughout my adult life, I’ve tried to maintain a very healthy lifestyle, so I wasn’t sure what effect the habits would make me for me—thinking that I already embodied most of them. But after going through the process, and learning the intricacies of the habits, I found that I could still make small changes and see major results. I’ve been going to bed early for the past several years, but now when I wake up, I feel more rested and energized. I feel so much more easeful as I start my day, which makes the rest of the day go much better.

My journey to expanding my wellness tool kit brought me to 10 habits from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. I was unaware of how impactful these would be on my life in such a short time period. Wow! The ease I feel in my body, and how such a mindful shift, can ripple throughout my every cell. Specifically earlier, lighter dinner, self-massage, and breath body practices have brought me to a higher vibration. Realigning myself more closely with nature and using little to no willpower has been downright awesome.

For years, I tried to implement change on my own. My deep growth process took place when I surrounded myself with a support system that held me accountable and let me share my wins. Anyone can look at a list of habits and try to implement them. In fact, some of these habits were already familiar to me when I started.

What I really needed was a mentor and a community with similar visions for the future to encourage me to put in the practice of repatterning my mind and body. This is what continues to propel me to that next level. This is more than just habits. It’s a guided personal transformation.

I’ve been doing these habits for more than 2 and a half years now and I have totally fallen in love with them. So much has changed since I started practicing the habits. I’ve struggled with my health in different ways since I was a child. And I can say that I feel so much better now in my forties than I did in my twenties. One big shift is that this year I haven’t had any eczema flare up and usually at this time of the year my skin is burning and itching. The habits help me to stay grounded, calm and more at ease in my life. My body mind and soul are so grateful for this journey.

These habits have been a complete game changer in my life, they have become nonnegotiable. They are the foundation in my life that keeps me grounded through the waves of uncertainty in the days and seasons. I am more deeply connected to the needs of my body and no longer ruled by my mind. I want to do more, be more and I can now serve in ways I never thought possible for my family and my community.