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One Body. One Life. It's Time for an Upgrade.

Become the Engineer

of You.

Modern life is demanding. It’s not your fault you’re overworked, undernourished, out of energy, and trying to take the edge off with things that eventually leave you empty-handed.

Your body, this life didn’t come with an instruction manual.

But that doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist.

There are ancient technologies that provide us with a manual to feel better now and into the future.




Hi, I’m Ashley Mae,

Welcome to The Yogi Experiment.

The place where we integrate modern behavioral science with the ancient technologies of Yoga and Ayurveda for a lean, healthy, more meaningful life.

When you live lean, you continuously improve the functions of the body and mind by experimenting with new, nourishing ways of living.

Consider it an upgrade. 

I’m here to help you engineer your body to improve your life and empower your existence.

Because your body is the vehicle that will take you places. And you are the engineer behind the wheel. 

As a builder, engineer, and manager, I’ve integrated my professional tools and techniques with the technologies of Yoga and Ayurveda and the benefits are as far-reaching as the planet. 

Let’s change the way you age, work, live, parent and impact the world through your daily habits to alleviate chronic stress, free you from fear, maintain your youth and beauty and rock the body you’re so blessed to have.

10 Years.

10 Habits.

10,000 Hours. 

As age 30 approached, so did burnout. It was time to get brutally honest with myself.

On paper, I had everything I thought I wanted. I pushed my way through two degrees while working full time in the construction and engineering industry, landing every position and project I set my eyes on. 

I was bulldozing my way through life disrespecting the precious partnership with my body and my reality was a reflection of that neglect.

Burnout. Population me. 

Disconnected from my body and overruled by my mind, I was not seeing my symptoms for what they were, my body's means of communication. And although I had some healthy habits, they didn’t outweigh the unhealthy, destructive habits I was relying on to cope with the daily pressures and stresses of life. 

Unable to support myself from within, I was experiencing mental, emotional, and physical breakdowns. And despite my accomplishments, I was plagued by a nagging feeling that there’s got to be more to life. 






I often wondered…

What was wrong with me

for not being happier?

But, I wanted the elusive work-life balance.

  • I didn't want to worry about beauty and aging and whether or not I could maintain my youth.

  • I wanted to feel confident that I could handle stress and life in a constructive way.

  • I didn't want to worry about infertility or cancer or whatever the next worst thing would be.

  • I wanted security in my lifestyle, one that was creating vitality and not holding me back.

  • I didn't want to feel hopeless about the future of our environment. 

  • I wanted to be part of the change that we need to see in the world.

Was this all wishful thinking? 

I was beginning to think the only way out of this rat race was succumbing to the endless swarms of ads promising health in a diet, sleep in a pill, beauty in a cream, energy in a drink.

I was overwhelmed, frustrated, and fed up. I felt defeated and alone. And I often felt like I had had enough of life. 

It was clear that 30-year-old me was in search of a new way to live, cope and succeed. I was over quick fixes because I had finally accepted that there were none.

When I could no longer look outward,

I looked inward.




I committed to changing

what was within my power.

my body and my mind.

I trusted that if I focussed on my inner world, my outer world would follow.

I began working towards a lean life. I claimed personal responsibility and gained personal power. 

I took stock of the experiences that had led me to this very moment. And I began to feel empowered to question my thoughts, beliefs, actions and the rules I had been living by.

As I worked on the health of my cells, my skin glowed. As I worked on the health of my digestion, my body leaned out. As I worked on the health of my mind, my life began to flow with ease and I made more and more creative and intelligent decisions - good for my body, good for my life.

I had built a bridge from where I was to where I wanted to be.

I now had a foundation to live life constructively.


And that was the beginning of The Yogi Experiment. 

Personal evolution and nourishment through upgrading my daily habits that gave me the strength and flexibility to navigate through successes and failures, gains and losses, and just the regular ups and downs of daily life with confidence, security, and stability.


Welcome to

Inner Engineering 

Engineers don’t just design; they build, they operate, they maintain. In the equation of life, mother nature is our designer and you are the engineer to operate, to maintain, and if you so choose, upgrade.

And as the engineer of you, you will: 

  • Reflect and unveil the benefit of all your life experiences. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

  • Welcome new perspectives and understandings of the body and life around you. 

  • Experiment with new ways to live, work, and age.

  • Design and build a lifestyle that works for you now and into the future.

  • Nourish yourself, keeping you happy, healthy, and resilient, and those around you too.

  • Embrace life as a process of personal evolution and uplevel your experience.

These technologies are here for you when the going gets tough. Because it will. Especially when you arrive at a pivotal transition in life, be it adulthood, motherhood, midlife, or beyond. At any point, life can and will ask more of you and you want to respond with enough resources. 

There are better, more constructive ways to handle stress.

Stress is just a sign that the outer pressures of life are exceeding your inner resources. Rather than numb it out with excess work, eating, drinking, shopping, social media, or exercising, you can learn the tools and techniques to manage stress in a beneficial way.

And the good news is you already have the resources within you. You just need to regenerate and rejuvenate them so you can show up for your high-intensity life and handle the unexpected in a more relaxed and graceful way without adding years to your life.




Empowered Women,

Empower Women.

  • We need these tools and techniques now more than ever. 

  • We need to get curious and comfortable with change to keep up with the changes on the planet. 

  • We need to upgrade our skills for how we live, cope and succeed. 

  • We need to understand ourselves in new ways so we can experience life-lasting health from within.

  • We need to show up for ourselves so we can show up for others with unwavering strength.

As mothers, we have the greatest power in the world.

We’re raising the future.

Let’s lead by example.

Let’s pave the way for a better world.

Our Mission Statement

Personal and Planetary Perseverance. Joining forces with individuals that want to see change in the world that are willing to change themselves first. 
